Friday, May 16, 2014


May 16, 2014

Coffee - Brewed, espresso, 1 fluid ounce10g0g0g0mg4mg0g0g
Almond Breeze Original - Almond Milk, 0.5 cup304g1g1g0mg75mg4g1g
Thorne - Mediclear-sgs, 2 scoops1458g2g23g0mg64mg5g2g
Thorne - Whey Protein Powder, 1 scoops601g1g12g18mg0mg0g0g
Uber Greens by Heartland - Fruit, Vegetable, Herb Drink, 10 g (one scoop)495g3g1g0mg20mg0g1g
Optimum Nutrition - Micronized Creatine Powder, 1 teaspoon00g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Vegetables - Mixed, Fresh, Cooked , 3 cup cooked15030g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Chicken :) - Chicken :), 4 ounces1100g2g24g0mg250mg0g0g
True Story - Organic Uncured Grass-Fed Beef Hot Dogs, 1 link (57g)2002g15g11g45mg500mg1g0g
Kirkland - Sirloin Burger Patty, 302 grams6600g46g60g200mg160mg0g0g
Kirkland Signature - Deluxe American Cheese Slices, 2 slice (19g)1402g12g8g30mg480mg0g0g
Gaspari Nutrition - Aminolast(Watermelon Blast), 1 Scoop(s)(14g ea.)100g0g2g0mg25mg0g0g
Gaspari - Glycofuse, 1 scoop (28g)10025g0g0g0mg35mg0g0g
Steves Paleo Kit- Small - Small/2 Blocks, 1 packet18018g6g14g30mg459mg14g2g
Stabilize - Chocolate Mint Bar, 1 Bar18017g9g10g0mg75mg4g5g
Thornefx - Veganpro Complex - Chocolate, 1 Scoop (32 g)1255g3g21g0mg420mg2g0g
Almond Milk - 1 Cup, 0.5 Cup304g1g1g0mg80mg4g1g
Phillippine Brand - Dried Mango, 6 Pieces, 1.5 oz16039g0g0g0mg55mg32g1g
Haagen-Dazs - Chocolate Fudge Brownie, 1 cup42074g10g10g100mg190mg34g2g

A. Segmented Snatch Deadlift; 3,3,3,3; Rest 3 minutes - 2 second pause per position -

1 - 205#
2 - 215#
3 - 215#
4 - 215#

B. Snatch Grip RDL @3030; 8-12x3; Rest 90 seconds - video, count as 1 mississippi 2 mississippi 3 mississippi. Last week was a bit fast. I want a lot of time under tension with this, it'll make you stronger, and help with upper back stuff in the lifts.


C. Non-counter balanced 1-leg squat to bench @20x1; 8-12/leg x4; Rest 60 seconds between legs - let me know how this feels for patella

Patella feels good interesting though I felt this way more in my right leg. 

1 - 12/12
2 - 12/12
3 - 11/12
4 - 12/12

12 minutes 80%
50 double unders
5 burpee to 6" target
10 alternating lateral step ups 20" box - use a heavy DB
- Easy pace, feel good, don't crush this. Should be able to maintain a conversation the entire time

4 + 55 reps... was fun thanks!!

A. Hip Thrust @11x5; 6-10x4; Rest 90 seconds - good call on pad - best pad ever right here...been used for a 525# hip thrust for 3 reps and no bruise.

1 - 235#
2 - 285#
3 - 305#
4 - 305#

B. 1-arm DB chinese row @11x1; 6-8/arm x4; Rest 60 seconds between arms -

1 - 50# 8/8
2 - 60# 8/8
3 - 65# 7/7
4 - 65# 7/7

C1. suitcase carry; 50 meters/arm AHAP x3; Rest 20 seconds - walk 50 meters, switch arms, walk back 


C2. FLR on rings; 75 seconds x3; Rest 20 seconds

1 - unbroken
2 - 30 sec + 15 sec
3 - unbroken

C3. Flying start; 50 meters x3; Rest 4 minutes - take 10 meters to accelerate, you should be at full speed once at 10 meters, then sprint out the other 40 meters - warm up more for this, you shouldn't get that much faster over the sets.


* Was unsure whether you meant to include this piece under C. I did it separately as you said to warm up sufficiently.

20 minutes a-bike z1
Every 5 minutes hop off and complete 5 side lying windmills per side -

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