Tuesday, May 20, 2014


May 20, 2014

Optimum Nutrition - Micronized Creatine Powder, 1 teaspoon00g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Almond Breeze Original - Almond Milk, 0.5 cup304g1g1g0mg75mg4g1g
Thorne - Mediclear-sgs, 2 scoops1458g2g23g0mg64mg5g2g
Thorne - Whey Protein Powder, 1 scoops601g1g12g18mg0mg0g0g
Vegetables - Mixed, Fresh, Cooked , 3 cup cooked15030g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Chicken :) - Chicken :), 4 ounces1100g2g24g0mg250mg0g0g
Mrs.H.S. Balls - Peach Chutney, 3 tsp307g0g0g0mg54mg7g0g
Vegetables - Mixed, Fresh, Cooked , 6 cup cooked30060g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Chicken :) - Chicken :), 8 ounces2200g3g48g0mg500mg0g0g
Wholey Guacamole - 100 Calorie Packs, 1 pouch1005g10g1g0mg170mg0g3g
Phillippine Brand - Dried Mango, 9 Pieces, 1.5 oz24059g0g0g0mg83mg48g2g
Gaspari - Glycofuse, 1 scoop (28g)10025g0g0g0mg35mg0g0g
Gaspari Nutrition - Aminolast(Watermelon Blast), 1 Scoop(s)(14g ea.)100g0g2g0mg25mg0g0g
Steves Paleo Kit- Small - Small/2 Blocks, 1 packet18018g6g14g30mg459mg14g2g
Kirkland - Roasted Almonds Covered In Milk Chocolate, 11 pieces (30 g)16013g12g3g5mg15mg10g2g
Almond Milk - 1 Cup, 0.5 Cup304g1g1g0mg80mg4g1g
Thornefx - Veganpro Complex - Chocolate, 2 Scoop (32 g)25010g5g42g0mg840mg4g0g

A. Segmented Clean Deadlift; 5,5,5,5; Rest 3 minutes - build per set and drop from top

1 - 245
2 - 255
3 - 260
4 - 270

B1. RDL @3030; 6-8x4; Rest 60 seconds - 3 up and 3 down, constant movement, if you cannot do this, then load weight appropriately to accomplish this.

1 - 155# x 8
2 - 155# x 8
3 - 165# x 8
4 - 165# x 8

B2. Barbell glute bridge @11x5; 8-12x4; Rest 2 minutes - if you get 12, you need to go up in weight, 115# is not heavy enough, this should be a challenging exercise. Log where you feel it, and video for me.

1 - 9
2 - 9
3 - 8
4 - 8

C. RFESS @30x1; 6-8/leg x4; Rest 90 seconds between legs - log where you feel it, and video for me.

60# DB
1 - 7
2 - 6
3 - 6
4 - 6

12 sets
30 seconds row @ 1:55 pace
30 seconds rest
- If you deviate by more than 1/2 second from 1:50 then terminate the workout regardless to how you feel

1:54.5, 1:54.4, 1:54.4, 1:54.5, 153.6, 1:54.4, 1:53.6, 1:53,6, 1:53.6, 1:53.6, 1:53.6, 1:53.6

A1. Hip Thrust @11x4; 8-12x4; Rest 60 seconds - if you get 12, go up, should feel tough at 8, and the rest after 8 are a true battle.

1 - 10
2 - 9
3 - 9
4 - 9

A2. DB Prone Elbow Row @1111; 8-12x4; Rest 2 minutes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElPC1MtjHsY lay on bench chest down and use both arms at once - relatively light

1 - 12
2 - 10
3 - 10
4 - 9

B. 1 arm 3 point DB Bent over row @11x1; 6-8/arm x; Rest 60 seconds between arms

1 - 55 x 8
2 - 65 x 8
3 - 65 x 8
4 - 65 x 7

C. Deadbugs w/ 3 second pause; 30 alternating x3; Rest 60 seconds
5 sets
50 meter sprint
Rest/walk 2:30
- All sprints should be within 3 seconds, otherwise terminate workout
- More warm up for this, you got faster as time went on which can indicate that you were not properly warmed up. Warm up with some hard rowing intervals, get a good sweat, even make yourself feel kind of "crappy", then give yourself a good rest then get after the sprints.
- Log your warm up, and how it all feels

10.56, 9.66, 9.78, 9.38, 9.68

Even with a warm up on the rower looks like I do well with a test sprint??

15 minute walk, get sunlight if you can

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