Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/4 - 8/7

45-60 minutes RTW

Various movements for 45 min. Played an hour of soccer as well in the PM.

A. Goblet Squat @50x1; 6-8x5; Rest 90 seconds -

70# - 8, 8, 8, 8, 7

B. DB Front Rack walking lunge; 20 steps x4; Rest 60 seconds

40# DB

C. FLR on ground; 3:30 accumulate for time


8 minutes cardio 97% effort - you pick the modality

Treadmill run at 8.5-9 miles per hour ran 1.2 miles.

A1. DB Strict Press @12x1; 6-8x4; Rest 60 seconds

35# - 8
40# - 6, 7, 7

A2. DB row @20x2; 6-8/arm x4; Rest 60 seconds

50# - 8, 8, 8, 8

B. Elbow supported external rotation @2020; 8-10/arm x3; Rest as needed -

10# - 10
12# - 10, 10

2 sets
10 no push up burpees AFAP
15 second 97% effort cardio
Rest 3:00
- Log time per set
- Much better last week

12mph on treadmill
Could not effectively time score

Rest 10 minutes

2 sets
5 hang DB snatch per arm (1 arm at a time)
15 squat jumps
Rest 3:00
- Log time per set

0:44, 0:43

A. DB RFESS @30x1; 6-8x4; Rest 90 seconds between legs
B. Goblet Lateral lunge; 8-10x3; Rest 60 seconds between legs
C. Straight leg sit ups; amrap QUALITY reps (no flexing low back) in 75 seconds; Rest 150 seconds -
4 sets
3:00 minute cardio - you pick
Rest 3:00

A. DB Bench Press @31x1; 6-8x4; Rest 90 seconds
B. DB row @20x1; 4-6x4; Rest 2 minutes
6 sets
40 seconds tough effort cardio
3:00 rest
Rest 6 minutes after set 3

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